Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I am sure that no man can derive more pleasure from money or power than I do from seeing a pair of basketball goals in some out of the way place.

This is what songs and poems and epic stories are written about. This is what men tell their sons in hushed, reverent whispers and women swoon over. This is one of those rare moments, where the world stops and takes notice, if only for that one second. Let me tell you the legend that is now only mentioned as "The Game".

Courtney "Born Ready" Lemm of the United States and Lennart "1/2 Man, 1/2 Amazing" Rehm of Germany had dreamed of this since boyhood. They had spent countless hours sweating, bleeding and winning various battles against other foes. All leading up to this one day, this one game, this one moment for glory.

Courtney "Born Ready" Lemm
Lennart "1/2 Man, 1/2 Amazing" Rehm

It started as any other day in Cape Town would. The sun was out, people went about their business on the streets, and the traffic bustled. Yet something was different on this day. There was an energy that was palpable. People seemed tense, as if they sensed the importance of the occasion. The birds seemed to sing a battle cry instead of their usual warbling. All of a sudden, everything stopped.

First stepping out of his castle was the man they called 1/2 Man, 1/2 Amazing. He looked resplendent in his shorts and Moses Malone Nike t-shirt. Crowds parted when he walked by with his faithful steward Niels "I do music, not sports" Poensgen of Germany. He less walked and more floated to the court. He looked the way a hero should. Young, athletic, impeccable hair, he was the people's champion.

Following slowly behind was his opponent, the world renowned Born Ready. As he walked by men shook his hand, women gave him kisses of good luck and children grabbed at him, all in the one chance to be near greatness. He was a champion slayer. He had destroyed the famed Uncle Neds Kids of Chesapeake in the year of our lord 2004. He had taken down the mighty Alex "My neck is to big for my body" Wilbanks of Virginia in one fell swoop. He faced champions and overcame them time and time again, and he swaggered to the court knowing this.

The air was thick with tension. The crowds were closing in around the two, sensing the blood that would spill that day. In the background played:

The battle started quickly and without warning. The earth rumbled with each drop step. The heavens quaked with every rim rattling dunk. The crowds intake of breath was the only sound you heard with every jumpshot, with the roar after every made shot being the only thing more jarring then the silence that preceded it. The combatants feigned and twisted, pushed and shoved, fought and battled for every point. The strain on their bodies was easily seen, but neither would back down. How could they with so much on the line?

Before anyone could breathe, game point had come. Sweat dripped from each combatants brows as they fought for glory, pride, but most of all, the ability to mercilessly make fun of the other. The man they call 1/2 Man, 1/2 Amazing had the ball, dribbled left, spun right, elevated for the shot and.......

It seemed like forever, and it seemed like no time at all. To the crowd it was just a mild inconvenience to wait. Yet for the men who had fought and bled, it was agonizing. It was one second, and it was their entire lives. Awkward first kisses. Learning to slow dance with their mothers. Floating hands out the window on long road trips. HER. The happiness. The sadness. The hope. The dreams. The past and future. Everything and nothing at all. All of it flashed before their eyes in that moment.


One had lost, the other won. 1/2 Man, 1/2 Amazing had slew the man they call Born Ready, and was getting a hero's cheer. But for one second, as the moment fell over both men, they looked at each other and gave each other a nod. A nod of acknowledgement, a nod of ability, but most of all a nod of respect. Their will be a day when these two giants of men face off again. Yet until that time, men will speak in hushed and reverent whispers to their sons and women will swoon about this day. That day will go down in history.

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