Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas.

So Christmas came and went, and while I was saying grace to 8 pound, 6 ounce baby Jesus I realized that my Christmas this year had gone as well as it could have gone. Here I was, halfway around the world from any family or friends that I have. Halfway around the world from the traditions and food and weather and people that I always celebrated Christmas with, and I was thoroughly enjoying myself. This was done in two large parts. First, I had fun here with friends doing non-traditional Christmas activities like braiing and tanning and midnight swims in the pool. Secondly, I was able to Skype many people that are important to me throughout the day. So here are some pictures of those that I was able to share this Christmas with, and thanks for everything. It really meant a lot to be able to spend some part of Christmas with you.

Hi other family

I had my Santa hat on, she went Rudolf

Commander Mendoza with his sweet headset

Bro's just braiing

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