Some of you do not like the self reflective Courtney. That's understandable, he tends to be overly sappy and likes the sound of his voice. If you do not like him, look away. Close out this tab as fast as possible. You will not enjoy reading this. You will want to ask for the five minutes of your life back that it takes to read this, and that is just something that I cannot do.
Still here? Oh well you were warned.
I do not take risks. At least without calculating them within an inch of their life and deciding that might not be such a risk at all. This is evident in my poker playing style (well, until I get bored anyways). Even while i'm big stack I don't try to bully, I patiently wait until I KNOW that I will win. Or at least come very close. This is never more evident as in my social interactions with the outside world. As one of my best friends Mattie so eloquently put it, "Fucking christ Courtney, you are the most evident turtle I have ever seen". An apt description if you ask me. I wait in my comfortable shell, poking my head out every so often. If I see what I like I stick around for a little and come out of my shell (
YAY FOR PUNS!), and if not I go right back in. I like my space, I like going to my man cave and having time to myself, I don't mind being in a room full of people and not talking, I like observing my surroundings and making a decision about if it is worth being outgoing. I'm more comfortable that way.
So you may be asking yourself, "Well duh I know that Courtney, the only people that read your stupid blog are your closest friends and family". So why this seeming psychological breakdown of my own psyche? It has a little bit to do with Cape Town and the neighborhood I live in, it doesn't allow you to dawdle your thumbs. Nobody sits around for long. Yet mostly it has to do with her.
She is not like me. She has tattoo's. She smokes like a chimney sometimes. She could drink me under the table (not really hard though). She's Canadian, which is as different to my American patriotism as communism to capitalism. I mean, come on, they love hockey and
Alan Thicke, its almost a sickness. She has an intense fear of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) about everything. She's outgoing, genuinely likes the human race, can stay in an art museum for more than one hour, and is considerate to everyone to a fault. She's beautiful, smart, has important things to say, and likes my roomate Colleen.
Yet at the same time we are alike. She can sit in a room full of people and understand the importance of observing and staying silent for that extra minute. An idea of a good afternoon to her is sitting out by the pool reading "Game of Thrones" (which if you have read "Game of Thrones" is incredibly hot). She finds things like
this and
this funny and worth watching. She is petrified of the heights of a Ferris Wheel, is scared of roller coasters, and finds the humor of the M-I-N-E game as much as me. She continuously travels, makes lists about everything, and actively tries not to do anything related to crying, being vulnerable and saying goodbye. She hates sleeping in the same bed with other people, and loves my continuous stream of pop culture references (Thanks Tony Morin and Mattie Kraatz, girls really do like that stuff!).
Now obviously none of you guys really care that I met another girl traveling, its old hat for me. Me saying things are different is also sort of old hat. Yet I will tell you that if she asked me to go someplace with her i'd be there yesterday. If she wanted me to lose every
jousting match I would lose more than the 2003 Detroit Tigers (Two pop culture refs!). If she told me to jump, I would ask how high. Crazy right?
When my dad isn't saying something like "I'm going to put my shoe up your ass" or trying to show me Youtube videos about cute puppies (Complicated man, I know), he actually says some pretty enlightening things. One of the things that have stuck with me the most came from a convo we had on a really strange night. He told me, "Courtney, look here. Sometimes you come across people, on those very rare instances, where it just clicks. You realize that you missed them before you even met them." He's right, it is a rare occurrence, even though it has happened. I have more fingers than instances its happened however. This however, is not one of those instances.
Gotcha! I'm not going to write all this sappy stuff and then go all "500 Days of Summer" on you folks. She is one of those rare breeds.What will happen next? Well honestly, I don't know. I just don't know. I can honestly say i'm stumped about the future. I can't tell you what will happen tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. Yet what I do know, with a certain level of certainty, is that I will continue trying to figure it out. Be it tomorrow, next week, next month or next year I don't think I can stop trying to figure it out. At this point I will end this pity party, and just let you know what happens next.