So one of the many projects I am working on is creating and running the EWB social media outlets from Fezeka. One of the main ways that I am planning on doing this is taking the previous blog template that EWB has created and running with it. I've been thinking about this heavily for the past few days, as I strongly believe that social media has taken on such unprecedented importance in promoting yourself/organization/ideas/events/etc. I want to do this right and create a foundation that those that follow can build upon. I've decided that the best way to do this is two-fold. First, I have joined the official EWB blog as a contributor on experiences and events that relate directly to EWB. It is after all a way to promote the positive things that are happening at Fezeka and through the EWB program and should be treated as such. So my more "Business Minded" posts about my experiences here will be found there, although i'm sure there will be some crossover. I have also rounded up a small group of students and tutors that will help me in my contributions to the blog. Although at first it will all be under my account, I hope that this expands to create a well rounded blog that encompasses the ideas and experiences of everyone involved in the program. From Ruth and Cecil (the wonderful people running EWB), to the program managers, to the tutors, to the students, I feel that the more people that contribute the more others can understand the importance of this program to all involved. So in the next week I hope to introduce those new contributors on that blog, and maybe even see if they would like to write on mine for practice. Hopefully my introductions go a little something like this......
So the second aspect of my blogging decision is that I will be keeping this blog the same direction that it seems to be going. The reason for this is simple. The two blogs are going to be two sides of the same coin. On one hand one will be more professional, advocating (rightfully so) for EWB and keeping people informed of its goings on. This blog will stay slightly more informal, but at the same time be a tool in various respects. It will give people a look into the every day life in Cape Town, and how EWB fits into that. It will comment not only on EWB events and experiences, but what its like in the townships, what Cape Town is like, what the people are like, where to go, where not to go, etc etc. It will take on many layers in being a line home for friends and family looking into what my life is like, a constant diary for myself, a tool for future volunteers/project managers/employees of EWB, and another way to spread information about EWB. It will be a lot of work but well worth it if done properly.
That being said, do any of you have any suggestions or advice about blogging or how in what direction each contribution should take? I'm all ears and open to all suggestions in how to make this project as successful as possible.
If you don't agree with this approach, well do like Ronny Turiaf and let me know.
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