Thursday, October 27, 2011

Curiosity is free-wheeling intelligence.

Since I started working at the after school programs for EwB I have been attempting to make the English lessons a tad bit more creative, while at the same time to continue working on the tools we are trying to instill in our learners. With the help of Joy, one of our tutors, we decided that every Monday would be a perfect place and time for the more creative ways we wanted to teach. So on Monday we both decided that we would play the students two songs that had some overarching theme and discuss these songs at length. I decided to play The Streets-Everything is Borrowed first and then gauged there reaction. It was mixed at best, but that didn't matter since the point was that they were more actively engaged in the lesson than they normally were. So then we listened to M. Ward- Chinese Translation. Give it a listen and see what its about.

After they had listened to the song I gave them simple instructions. If you met the wisest person on Earth, what are the three questions you would ask them? These are a small sample of what I got.
1) What happens to you when you die?
2) What made God to think about making everything?
3) Why did God create a male and a female
4) Why is it important to love?
5) Why is life so difficult sometimes?
6) Who will be the last man on Earth?
7) Are there people living on other planets other than on Earth?
8) Who came up with the idea that there must be school in the world?
9) Why are there black and white people?
10) Why are people not the same?

These questions highlight these students intelligence, curiosity, and their knowledge of "Life's Questions". It was a privilege to read these questions and to witness the engagement of the students with a song and the concept behind it.

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